Sunday, August 25, 2019

Assignment 1 – Howdy

For your first post, introduce yourself!

Share your name, but also a little bit about who you are. Some ideas to consider are:
What are your personal and academic goals for this school year?
What was the most meaningful moment of your summer vacation?
What superpower would you have if you could pick anything?
And so on and so forth.

I want to know what Geeks you out.
To receive full credit, you must insert a picture or video (of something)  AND a hyperlink to your favorite (appropriate) website.

Due Sunday, September 1st (My 50th Birthday)
150 word minimum

October 27th is last day to make up Blogs 1-8


  1. Hi! My name is Emma Shadwick. I am a daughter, sister, student, volleyball player, friend, and more. I have two sisters, two parents, a stepdad, and no pets. I stay pretty busy between school and year-round volleyball, from which I get a two week break. I have always loved to write and consider myself pretty decent at it. However, history is probably the subject that interests me most. My goals for junior year include getting all A’s, making it to state in volleyball, and becoming an all-around better person. The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was probably watching the beautiful sunset on our last night in Maui, Hawaii. We go every year and it is the best nine days of every year. It makes the long plane ride very worth it. If I could have a superpower I would probably choose to read people's minds because I feel like nothing would bug me if I knew how people felt right away. Lastly, my favorite website is Youtube, specifically Cody Ko. He roasts people for fun and it’s so funny.

  2. Hello, my name is Caroline Blitch. I play lacrosse, horse-back ride, and love going to CycleYou classes. I have two brothers, a sister, two dogs, and a horse. Some of my goals for this year are receiving all As in my classes, passing my four AP exams, and getting a job that I enjoy. The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was probably sprinting in a Dublin train station with six of my friends to make our train back "home" and then having to pile on top of each other on the floor of the train because we were so late. While this may not seem ideal, it was a unique experience that appropriately represents my first trip out of the country. Attached below is a picture from my trip to Ireland. If I could have a superpower, I would want to be able to fly because travel would be so much easier (and better for the environment). My favorite website is Netflix (, because I absolutely love That 70s Show.



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